Evolutionary trees for Darwin Day.

In time for Darwin Day, my article on “Understanding evolutionary trees” in the forthcoming issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach is now freely available as a preprint online.

Here is the article abstract:

Charles Darwin sketched his first evolutionary tree in 1837, and trees have remained a central metaphor in evolutionary biology up to the present. Today, phylogenetics—the science of constructing and evaluating hypotheses about historical patterns of descent in the form of evolutionary trees—has become pervasive within and increasingly outside evolutionary biology. Fostering skills in “tree thinking” is therefore a critical component of biological education. Conversely, misconceptions about evolutionary trees can be very detrimental to one’s understanding of the patterns and processes that have occurred in the history of life. This paper provides a basic introduction to evolutionary trees, including some guidelines for how and how not to read them. Ten of the most common misconceptions about evolutionary trees and their implications for understanding evolution are addressed.

Gregory, TR. 2008. Understanding evolutionary trees. Evolution: Education and Outreach 1: in press.

I have also started a series on the topic at DNA and Diversity.

My earlier piece “Evolution as fact, theory, and path” is also free to access.

Journal list.

The following is not a complete list, and I freely admit to an evolutionary, genetic, and zoological bias in my research interests, but perhaps someone else will find these bookmarks useful too.
American Naturalist
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
Annual Review of Genetics
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Biological Reviews
Biology Letters
BMC Bioinformatics
BMC Evolutionary Biology
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Current Biology
Current Genomics
Current Opinion in Cell Biology
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
Development Genes and Evolution
Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Genetical Research
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Genetics Selection Evolution
Genome Biology
Genome Research
Insect Molecular Biology
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Journal of Heredity
Journal of Molecular Biology
Journal of Molecular Evolution
Molecular Biology and Evolution
Molecular Ecology
Nature Genetics
Nature Reviews Genetics
Nucleic Acids Research
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
PLoS Biology
PLoS Genetics
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Trends in Genetics
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society