Evolution: Education and Outreach vol. 2 iss. 3.

The most recent issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach (vol. 2, issue 3) is now available online. I decided to sit this one out after six consecutive contributions (links below), but I will be back in the next issue with a follow-up to my previous article on selection.

Evolution: Education and Outreach
Volume 2, Issue 3
Greg Eldredge and Niles Eldredge

Why I Teach Evolution
Greg Eldredge

Evolution in Biology Education: Sparking Imaginations and Supporting Learning
Kristin P. Jenkins

Evolution Education in Utah: A State Office of Education–University Partnership Focuses on Why Evolution Matters
Jerald B. Johnson, Marta Adair, Byron J. Adams, Daniel J. Fairbanks, Velma Itamura, Duane E. Jeffery, Duane Merrell, Scott M. Ritter and Richard R. Tolman

Why Science Standards are Important to a Strong Science Curriculum and How States Measure Up
Louise S. Mead and Anton Mates

The Growing Visibility of Creationism in Northern Ireland: Are New Science Teachers Equipped to Deal with the Issues?
Conor McCrory and Colette Murphy

Attitudes of Students at a Private Christian Liberal Arts University Toward the Teaching of Evolution
Troy A. Ladine

Addressing Undergraduate Student Misconceptions about Natural Selection with an Interactive Simulated Laboratory
Joel K. Abraham, Eli Meir, Judy Perry, Jon C. Herron, Susan Maruca and Derek Stal

Phylogenetic Analysis: How Old are the Parts of Your Body?
Robert K. Kuzoff, Seth B. Kemmeter, Jeffrey S. McKinnon and Courtney P. Thompson

Using Avida-ED for Teaching and Learning About Evolution in Undergraduate Introductory Biology Courses
Elena Bray Speth, Tammy M. Long, Robert T. Pennock and Diane Ebert-May

Using Inquiry and Tree-Thinking to “March Through the Animal Phyla”: Teaching Introductory Comparative Biology in an Evolutionary Context
James J. Smith and Kendra Spence Cheruvelil

“Evolution for Everyone”: A Course that Expands Evolutionary Theory Beyond the Biological Sciences
Daniel Tumminelli O’Brien, David Sloan Wilson and Patricia H. Hawley

Teaching Evolution Concepts to Early Elementary School Students
Louis Nadelson, Rex Culp, Suzan Bunn, Ryan Burkhart, Robert Shetlar, Kellen Nixon and James Waldron

Overcoming the Effect of the Socio-cultural Context: Impact of Teaching Evolution in Tunisia
Saïda Aroua, Maryline Coquide and Salem Abbes

Teaching Evolution with Historical Narratives

Esther M. van Dijk and Ulrich Kattmann

Preservice Teacher Understanding and Vision of how to Teach Biological Evolution
Louis S. Nadelson

Still More “Fancy” and “Myth” than “Fact” in Students’ Conceptions of Evolution

Deborah L. Cunningham and Daniel J. Wescott

Evolution in Lego®: A Physical Simulation of Adaptation by Natural Selection

Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard and Morten Kanneworff

Does the Segregation of Evolution in Biology Textbooks and Introductory Courses Reinforce Students’ Faulty Mental Models of Biology and Evolution?

Ross H. Nehm, Therese M. Poole, Mark E. Lyford, Sally G. Hoskins, Laura Carruth, Brent E. Ewers and Patricia J. S. Colberg

From Newsroom to Classroom
Anastasia Thanukos

Science Standards Evolve
Eugenie C. Scott

Paleontology and Evolution in the News
Sidney Horenstein

Blogging Evolution

Adam M. Goldstein

Darwin: Origin and Evolution of an Exhibition
Chiara Ceci

In the Wake of Charles Darwin and Beyond: A Tribute to Ernst Mayr
Review of J. Haffer: Ornithology, Evolution, and Philosophy. The Life and Science of Ernst Mayr 1904–2005. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, 464 pp, $ 119, 00
U. Kutschera

A Permian Murder Mystery
Review of Extinction: How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago, by Douglas H. Erwin. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2006. pp. vii + 296. S/b $22.95
Matthew Williams

How Charles Darwin’s Early Years Led Him to Revolutionize Biological Thought
Review of The Young Charles Darwin by Keith Thomson. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2009, Pp. xii + 276, $28.00
Joel S. Schwartz

The Comparative Biology of Cultural Inheritance
Review of The Question of Animal Culture, Edited by Kevin N. Laland and Bennett G. Galef. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009. Pp. vii + 351. H/b $45.70
Lauren W. McCall

Nitrogen and the Carrying Capacity of the Earth
Review of Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food, by Valclav Smil. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001
Joseph L. Fail

My earlier articles:

One thought on “Evolution: Education and Outreach vol. 2 iss. 3.

  1. You guys should get a simple to remember url for the journal. That way you guys can just point to evolutionandeducation.edu or whatever, instead of the springerlink site.

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