I am always glad when people let me know that they appreciate the content of the blog. My posts tend not to generate much in the way of comments, and aside from the occasional email I don’t really have a good sense of how the blog is perceived. But every now and then a fellow blogger is kind enough to let me know in some especially interesting way. Case in point, the Golden Mouse Award that was kindly bestowed upon Genomicron by Bertalan Meskó of ScienceRoll.
Now, Ian Ramjohn of Further Thoughts has been kind enough to pass along the latest E for Excellence award. Thanks, Ian! Update: Adrian Thysse of Mystery of Mysteries has named Genomicron as well.
In return, I will point out that I have some of the brightest readers around.

I dropped your blog into my RSS feed as soon as I discovered it. It’s well written and informative. The awards are deserved.